نمونه سوال درس زبان تخصصی 1 رشته مدیریت نیمسال دوم 93-92
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نمونه سوال درس زبان تخصصی 1 رشته مدیریت نیمسال دوم 93-92

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= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش
حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان است
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۱۰۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : زبان تخصصی ۱
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : مدیریت بازرگانی (چند بخشی ) ۱۲۱۲۱۷۵ -، مدیریت دولتی (چند بخشی )۱۲۳۴۰۳۱
1-Management facilitated the change by showing the employees the manufacturing process. facilitate means................
1. spending alot of money 2. make easier or possible
3. looking for new members 4 change something slightly
2-Unemployment in this part of the country is virtually non-existent. virtually means...................
1. never * always o especially 4. almost
3-Creative people tend to be more flexible than non-creative people. flexible means......
1. able to be changed easily * lasting for very long
3. considering all parts 4 clever and quick to learn
4-The firm manufactures electrical devices. manufacture means.....
1. suit new condition 2. the act of reducing things
3 resist something 4. the business of making things
5-Companies are trying to cut costs and speed decision making by reducing the number of middle managers. reduce means..........
1. make less 2. leave without protection
3, make more 4 dismiss from job
6-Their company gives advice aboutmergers of big companies. merger means...........
1. benefit 2. the combining of two or more company
3 danger 4. the process of diagnosing
7-They need to refine oil in order to refine it and separate out the different elements. refine meanS...........
1. make pure or improve 2. discover
9 use for advantage * arrange
8-They must be convinced by pay, benefits, and working conditions to take and keep the job. convince means............
1. make someone certain 2, include
3, make less clear 4 develop
9-The most overlooked skill of successful change agent is the ability to determine how much changes employees can withstand. withstand means...................
1. resist * examine 3. dismiss 4. recognize
نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۱ از ۳

= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش
حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان است
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۱۰۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : زبان تخصصی ۱
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : مدیریت بازرگانی (چند بخشی ) ۱۲۱۲۱۷۵ -، مدیریت دولتی (چند بخشی )۱۲۳۴۰۳۱
10-Many are doubtful that this technology will ever be financiallyviable. viable means....
1. able to continue to exist * having the power of reason
3. tend to destroy something * describing a product
11-Changing an organization is the process of .................... an existing organization.
1. modifying * accepting 3 resulting * surviving
12-The plan was not very well ...
1. coordinated 2. coordination 3. coordinator 4 coordinatively
13-Computers are used to store and ........................ information efficiently.
1. focus 2. reject 3 lose 4. retrieve
14-These measures will increase the company's ability to ............... income.
1 generate 2. demand 3 become 4. employ
15-He attributed his................... to two factors- taking exercise and not smoking.
1. regulation 2 sequence 3. longevity * severance
16-They have tried to take the ................... in dealing with the problem.
1. unity 2. diagnosis 3. industry 4 initiative
17- Her knowledge ................. all aspects of the business.
1. encompasses 2 guides 3 encourages 4. obscures
18-Some experts think that government.................. is useful to reduce the goods prices.
1. distribution * exploitation 3. reduction 4. intervention
19-It is studying or examining an activity which takes place in the course of business. it refers
to............ 1 working condition * team building 3. transaction analysis 4. test marketing
20-lt includes the direct wages, benefits, and incentives given to employees in exchange for their work. it refers to.....................
1. management * compensation 3. development * evaluation
21-The company needs to return toprofitability extremely soon. profitability means.............. برنامه ریزی * بازاریابی * گروه بندی * سوددهی "
نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۲ از ۳

= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش
حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان است
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۱۰۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : زبان تخصصی ۱
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : مدیریت بازرگانی (چند بخشی ) ۱۲۱۲۱۷۵ -، مدیریت دولتی (چند بخشی )۱۲۳۴۰۳۱
22-A conglomerate chemical company has different divisions in different parts of the country. conglomerate means...........
شرکت بزرگ * اقدام احتیاطی 3 مقام بزرگ * تلفیق تجاری :' 23-The employers have a process consultation to decide whether to increase their workers wages. process consultation means............
موسسه بازرگانی * مشاوره مراحل عمليات ۰'
منبع انسانی * مسئول دریافت اطلاعات *
24-The job rotation is used on a smaller scale whithin a working group in that factory. job rotation ITTE BITS............
1. شرایط کاری .4 جستجوی کار .3 تحقیق کاری .2 گردش کار
25-Management should conduct periodic reviews to make sure that the change is accomplishing itsintended purpose. periodic review means..................
عامل تغییر * بازنگری ادواری علوم رفتاری ۶ مقرری بازنشستگی .
26-A fear of unemployment is one of the factors behind the current stagnation in the property market. stagnation means.............
1. توسعه .4 توالی .3 تلفیۃ .2 کسادی
27-His task assignment was to collect unclear evidance for investigation. task assignment ո8aոS...............
واگذاری کار پرداخت بهره * موجودی انبار * ابتكارعمل .1
28-While a high rate of innovation often reduces short-term profitability, it is crucial for long-term growth.crucial means.........
اصلاحی “ موقتی 3 حیاتی ۶ همیشگی . 29- We will be running a workshop on women'sempowerment, empowerment means..............
1. کارآیی .4 “ ... خی .3 هماهنگ .2 اختیار
30-In organizations that favor stability over growth, a traditional caretaker style of management may be prefered. stability means...........
ثبات .4 بازخورد 3 رقابت ,2 پیشرفت .
・い・い・ハ・Y・YY%管 صفحه ۳ از ۳
نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲


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