نمونه سوال درس متون عرفانی به زبان خارجه 2 نیمسال دوم 91-90
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نمونه سوال درس متون عرفانی به زبان خارجه 2 نیمسال دوم 91-90

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藥 = دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی --- - - - டிய கள்: مرکز آزمون و سنجش حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰
عن-وان درس : متون عرفانی به زبان خارجی ۲
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : الهیات و معارف اسلامی - ادیان و عرفان (چند بخشی ) ۱۲۲۰۱۷۰
Direction: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by four suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then completely fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet.
1-The Sufis, conceive the universe as a projected and reflected image of God.
1. seek 2. form 3. create * imagine
2-The poet assigns a different value to this term in its relation to God and in its relation to man.
1. forgets 2. hides 3. gives 4. marks
3-Bread must be broken before it can serve as food, and grapes will not yield wine till they are crushed.
شناور کردن * پاره کردن .3 دور انداختن * تولید کردن .
4-Most of the great medieval Sufis lived saintly lives, dreaming of God, intoxicated with God. 1. excited 2. broken 3. banned 4 limited
5-In proportion as the Sufi loves God, he sees God in all His creatures, and goes forth to them in acts of charity. Pious works are naught without love.
تقلبی “ پرهیزگارانه .3 جدید شه سطحی آ
6-Repose becomes unlawful to him, and rest flees from him. 1. evaluates 2. outweighs 3 dreams * escapes 7-It is a crime in the lover to regard his love, and an outrage in love to look at one's own seeking while one is face to face with the Sought. 1 searching * rejecting 3 pretending * showing 8-The soul is likened to a moaning dove that has lost her mate; to a reed torn from its bed and made into a flute whose plaintive music fills the eye with tears.
1 doomed ° deemed 3. similar 4. ugly 9-Telepathy and similar occult phenomena he takes for granted as self-evident facts. 1. غیبی .4 طبیعی .3 بدیهی .2 برانگیخته
10-The inspiration of the Islamic saints, though verbally distinguished from that of the prophets and inferior in degree, is of the same kind.
1. small 2. lower 3 higher 4. middle
102311 IOIO/IO صفحه ۱ از ۴
نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰
. . . 藥 = دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰
عن-وان درس : متون عرفانی به زبان خارجی ۲
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : الهیات و معارف اسلامی - ادیان و عرفان (چند بخشی ) ۱۲۲۰۱۷۰
11-We are studying in this book the mystical life of the individual Moslem, and it is necessary to keep the subject within the narrowest bounds.
1. رازورزانه .4 کوته نظرانه .3 متحجر .2 اسطوره ای
12-According to one view, he may be fully conscious at the time, but many Sufis hold that such 'manifestation' cannot take place except in ecstasy.
1. happen 2. keep 3 prohibit 4 determine
13-It would be an almost endless task to enumerate and exemplify the different classes of miracles.
آغاز کردن . برشمردن * پایان دادن * اطمینان دادن . 14-The spirit of the teacher follows him in all his efforts, and ............ him wherever he may be, quite
as a guardian spirit.
1. drinks 2. takes 3 brings 4. accompanies 15-He then made me bind my eyes again, and I perceived him with my spiritual sight, seated similarly
before me.
1. poured 2 understood 3. closed 4. prohibited
16-Certain saints are ................... to have the power of assuming whatever shape they please.
1. believer 2. believes 3 believed 4 believe
17-This truth is expressed by the mystical writers in many an eloquent passage.
1. enacted 2. toned 3. shown 4. ridden
18- It expels the dark thoughts of 'otherness,' just as light banishes darkness.
1. از بین بردن .3 نشان دادن .2 ذخیره کردن
19-The attributes of humanity are not the essence of humanity. ترس 3 عمل 2 گئگے .1
20-The Perfect Man, having been invested with all the divine attributes, becomes, so to speak, the mirror which displays God to Himself.
1. expands * leaves 3. shows 4 resonates
IOIO/IO 102311
نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰ صفحه ۲ از ۴
. . .
藥 = دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی --- - - - டிய கள்: مرکز آزمون و سنجش حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰
عن-وان درس : متون عرفانی به زبان خارجی ۲
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : الهیات و معارف اسلامی - ادیان و عرفان (چند بخشی ) ۱۲۲۰۱۷۰
Part B: Cloze Test. Read the following text and choose the words that can best complete it.
In the third journey this Perfect Man turns his attention to God's creatures, either as an Apostle......... 21 as a Spiritual Director (Sheykh), and reveals himself to those .......... 22 would fain be released from their faculties, to each according......... 23 his degree: to the adherent (24) of positive religion as a theologian; to the contemplative, ......... 25 has not yet enjoyed full contemplation, as a gnostic; to the gnostic as .......26 who has entirely passed-away from individuality (waqif); to the waqif as a Gutb. He is the ..........27 of every mystical station and transcends (28) the furthest range of experience known to each grade of seekers. The fourth journey is usually associated (29) with physical death. The Prophet was........30 to it when he cried on his deathbed, "I choose the highest companions." In this journey, to judge from the obscure verses in which ‘Afifuddin describes it.
horizontally horizon horizontal horizontalize
طلوع کردن : کسب فیض کردن ‘‘ فراسوی چیزی رفتن " به راه انداختن "
- recieved opened • Connected turned
102311 IOIO/IO صفحه ۳ از ۴
نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰
. . . 藥 = دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰
عن-وان درس : متون عرفانی به زبان خارجی ۲
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : الهیات و معارف اسلامی - ادیان و عرفان (چند بخشی ) ۱۲۲۰۱۷۰
1. reference 2. referable 3 referring 4. refers
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نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰ صفحه ۴ از ۴

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