نمونه سوال درس روش تدریس زبان انگلیسی نیمسال دوم 91-90
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نمونه سوال درس روش تدریس زبان انگلیسی نیمسال دوم 91-90

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. . . 藥〜 کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد مرکز آزمون و سنجش حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۵۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰
عن-وان درس : روش تدریس زبان انگلیسی.روش تدریس زبان خارجی
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : مترج زبان انگلیسی، آموزش زبان انگلی ۸۸ ۱۲۱۲۰ - «زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ۱۲۱۲۱۴۳ مترجمی زبان مورالسیر بیان ربان 9
1-What is the role of the teacher in GTM classes? He is............... 1. an orchestra leader 2. the authority of the class
3, a technician 4. a counselor
2-In which method literary language is superior to spoken language? 1. Audio Lingual Method 2. GTM 3. The Silent Way 4 Disuggestopedia
3-The method which does not tolerate the error is................ 1. Audio Lingual 2. GTM
3. Silent Way 4. Communicative approach
4-"Language is primarily speech" belongs to ..................... 1. The Direct Method 2. The silent Way 3. The Total Physical Response 4 Disuggestopedia
5-The syllabus used in The Direct method is based upon................. 1. situations or topics 2. teacher's experience
3 grammar * dialogue
6-"Errors lead to the formation of bad habits. They should be prevented or corrected immediately"
belongs to............... 1. The Direct Method 2. The Silent Way 3. Community Language Learning 4. The Audio Lingual Method
7-The teacher who uses The Audio Lingual Method wants their students to............
1. use language communicatively
2. translate 3 read the literature of the foreign language
4, write in Foreign language
8-In The Audio Lingual Method, the ................. is emphasized over all the other areas.
1. grammar * vocabulary 3. structure 4. reading
9-"Student should be able to use language for self-expression." Belongs to...... 1. The Direct Method 2. The Silent Way 3. Community Language Learning 4. The Audio Lingual Method
Va"וו. ו. ון. ו. ו
نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰ = صفحه ۱ از ۷
. . .
芒藥 کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد مرکز آزمون و سنجش حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۵۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰ عن-وان درس : روش تدریس زبان انگلیسی.روش تدریس زبان خارجی
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : مترجمی زبان انگلیسی، آموزش زبان انگلیسی ۱۲۱۲۰۸۸ - «زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ۱۲۱۲۱۴۳
10-in the Communicative Approach .... ....are used.
1. literary texts * authentic materials
3. chain drills 4. substitution drills
11-In the..... ...there is a great effort to produce error-free utterances.
1. Total Physical Response * Audio Lingual Method
3. Communicative Approach 4. Silent Way 12-According to Total Physical Response, the most important hindering aspect in language learning
1. lack of motivation * native language
3 stressful situation * environment
13-The learners errors are treated as signs of 'incorrect" knowledge in...................... 1. Audio Lingual Method 2. Communicative Approach 3. Disuggestopedia 4. Total Physical Response
14-In............... realia are used to clarify meaning. 1. Direct Method * Disuggestopedia 3. Total Physical Response 4. The Silent Way
15-In...............the teacher uses the students' previous knowledge. 1. Audio Lingual Method 2. Direct Method 3. Total Physical Response 4. The Silent Way
16-"Errors are important and necessary to learning" belongs to................ 1. Silent Way 2. Direct Method 3. Audio Lingual 4. GTM
17-What is the role of the teacher in the Silent way? 1. technician 2. orchestra leader
3. counselor 4. authority
18-The student's native language in Silent way is used for...... 1. translating * giving instruction
3. evaluating 4. perception
Va"וו. ו. ון. ו. ו نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰ = صفحه ۲ از ۷

. . . = دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد
--- - - - ز آزمونو سنجش مركز زهون وسنج حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۵۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : روش تدریس زبان انگلیسی.روش تدریس زبان خارجی
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : مترج زبان انگلیسی، آموزش زبان انگلی ۸۸ ۱۲۱۲۰ - «زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ۱۲۱۲۱۴۳ مترجمی زبان مورالسیر بیان ربان 9
19-In Total Physical Response the teacher orders the students to jump to the desk and everyone laughs. This isto......................
discover the proper response from the students
* let the language learners learn through fun
see the student's physical movement in class
teach imperative easily
20-Which statement is NOT true about the teacher in the Communicative Approach? 1. He establishes situations that prompt communication. 2. He is the initiator of the activities. 3. He always interacts with the students.
4. Sometimes he is a co-communicator
21-in the..................... students are supposed to work with language at the discourse level. 1. Audio Lingual Method * Communicative approach 3. Community language Learning 4. Total Physical Response
22-In Community language Learning, the use of translation is aimed at....................... 1. developing students' awareness of structural similarities between the two languages. * encouraging the students to keep silent in class. 3 motivating the students to appreciate their native culture.
4. the teacher's recognition of the students' limitations in the early levels.
23-In the communicative approach, the teacher evaluates the students’..................... 1 communication exercise * practice and preparation 3 preparation stage
4. meaning and understanding
24-Which statement is true about Community Language Learning?
• Learning takes place when the material is too new.
Learning takes place when the material is too familiar.
: Retention takes place somewhere in between novelty and familiarity.
Learning takes place as a result of practice.
Va"וו. ו. ון. ו. ו صفحه ۳ از ۷
نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰

. . .
芒藥 کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد مرکز آزمون و سنجش حضرت علی(ع): ارزش هر کسی به میزان دانایی و تخصصی اوست
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۵۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۷۵ تشریحی : ۰ عن-وان درس : روش تدریس زبان انگلیسی.روش تدریس زبان خارجی
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : مترج زبان انگلیسی، آموزش زبان انگلی ۸۸ ۱۲۱۲۰ - «زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ۱۲۱۲۱۴۳ مترجمی زبان مورالسیر بیان ربان 9
25-In Community Language Learning syllabus is designed primarily by.....
1. the students 2. the teacher 3. the book 4. authors
26-The most important skills in Community Language Learning are....
1. understanding and speaking * reading and writing
3. listening and writing * writing and speaking
27-Which is true about Total Physical Response? 1. Meaning is conveyed through action. * Memory is activated by through learner response. 3. The target language should be presented in chunks.
* The target language should be presented just word by word.
28-What areas of language are emphasized in Total Physical Response? 1. Grammar and vocabulary Reading and writing Pronunciation and spelling
Listening and speaking.
29-Those who use ............. agree that learning facilitated in a cheerful environment. 1. Community Language Learning 2. Disuggestopedia 3. Total Physical Response * Communicative Language Teaching
30-The goal of the teacher who uses...... ....is to accelerate the learning process and to do this more students’ mental powers must be tapped.
1. Desuggestopedia 2. Community Language Learning
3. Communicative Language Teaching * Audio-Lingual Method
31-According to Desuggestopedia, which of the following is correct? • Learning involves transferring what one knows to new contexts.
The major challenge of foreign language teaching is getting students to overcome the habits of their native language.
Fine art provides positive suggestions for students.
Positive reinforcement helps the students to develop correct habits.
Va"וו. ו. ון. ו. ו نیمسال دوم ۹۱-۱۳۹۰ = صفحه ۴ از ۷


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