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= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش .حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان استتعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۱۰۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : قرائت متون تاریخی به زبان خارجی ۲ رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : تاریخ ۱۲۲۹۰۳۹1-The agreemenr between the two countries will ....... ..friendly relations in the future.1. stigmatize 2. cease 3. foster 4 levy2-During Apartheid in south Africa, the majority of black people were victims of racial....1. discrimination * dynasty 3 innovation 4 chronology 3-Detroit, Michigan showed a certain economic...................... and was somewhat rejuvenated in the 1970s by the building of the Renaissance center and associated renewal activities. 1. segregation 2. invention 3. repression 4. resilience 4-Lincoln had an almost geopolitical grasp of the union's........................ in the summer of 1861. 1. dilemma 2. hostility 3. abolitionism 4 opposition 5-Absolute ...................... is the calculation of the actual age of archaeological objects in years. 1- aerology * Serology 3. chronology * terminology 6-Islam....................... guidelines and rules for life in all its aspects and dimensions. 1. encompasses 2. threatens 3. surrounds 4 overlooks 7-During the period of Mongol raids the principality of the Ottoman Turks.......................... in Anatolia. 1. prevailed 2. emerged 3 moulded * exploited 8-The long wars with the Roman Empire had........................ the Sasanian Empire. 1. strengthened * gained 3 resisted 4 weakened 9-From the reign of Umar to that of al-Mamun, seventeen ................................ are recorded against Daylam. 1. valleys 2. tendencies 3. vicissitudes 4. expentions 10-Baghdad and the neighbourhood had experienced all the ....................... of the political and economic decline of the caliphate after the death of al- mamun. 1. vicissitudes 2 inhabitants 3. marauders 4. Systems 11-The .................... came to power after the Samanids. 1. Tahirids 2 Ghaznavids 3. Buyids 4. Saldjuks 12-In 1917, Russia was................... by revolution and ceases to be a significant factor in the ongoing War. 1. gragmented * assimilated 3. abandoned 4. immobilized 1010/101021958 نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۱ از ۳ ***= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش .حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان استتعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۱۰۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : قرائت متون تاریخی به زبان خارجی ۲ رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : تاریخ ۱۲۲۹۰۳۹13-The..... ...among the rival groups resulted in civil war. 1. extinction 2. reconciliation 3. dissension 4. agreement 14-When Shah Abbas came to power, the Ottomans and the Uzbeks were real ........... ...to his rule. 1. threats * powers 3 results 4. territories15-Aka Mohammad khan Oajar escaped from Zand captivity at Shiraz and embarked on struggle to ...his authority over the rival Oajar chiefs.1. replenish 2. assert 3. follow * approach16-The first of the Anglo-Dutch wars was fought (1652-54) for commercial andmaritime................................1. Supremacy 2. integrity 3 reconciliation 4. expulsion 17-....................... refers to an extend that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of people suffer.1. Depression 2. Abundance 3. ordeal 4. Catastrophe18-During the first decade of the twentieth century, Russia was defeated by Japan and social -------------------------weakened the Tsarist Russian Empire.1. edifices 2. descendants 3. tensions 4. peacekeepers 19-Maozedong................ his brand of comminist theory on a largely peasant society for threedecades when the second world war ended.1. disintegrated 2. imposed 3 defeated 4. threatened 20-Following the death of Alexander, the Macedonian generals began to ....................... his vastempire among themselves.1- partition 2. protection 3. nomination 4. alliteration 21-It is against human rights to ....................... people for their race, religion or their political beliefs.1. replenish 2. shroud 3 discredit 4. persecute 22-They won their long struggle for..................... and independence after years of fighting.1. immigration 2. liberty 3 deterioration 4 corruption 23-The country was..................... by war and plague and the population didnot begin to increaseagain until near the end of the century.1. establish 2. revolted 3. interrupted 4. ravaged1010/101021958نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۲ از ۳ ***= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی مرکز آزمون و سنجش .حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان استتعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۱۰۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : قرائت متون تاریخی به زبان خارجی ۲رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : تاریخ ۱۲۲۹۰۳۹24-Throughout the coastal colonies...........................were taught by native Americans how to plant corn and other indigenous crops. 1. settlers 2 fronties 3. perfomers 4. shudders25-A period of confusion and .........................followed the proclamation of a republic. 1. truism 2. cocern 3. anarchy 4 doctrine26-Nadir shah ( 1148/ 1736) consciously modeled himself on Timur, and there are some points of similarity between his career and that of his exemplar. the undelined word meansظهور کردن * به قدرت رسیدن * تقلید کردن * تجاوز کردن ۰آ 27-In 1513, Nadir shah was at the height of his power, but signs of approaching insanity were alreadyvisible. The underlined word means......................رشادت .4 جنون 3 عصبانیت * محبوبیت ‘28-The first world war destroyed the social cohesion of pre-war continental Europe. The word " Cohesion" means........................سرنوشت " انسجام -3 تحقیر ۶۰ هرج و مرج آ 29-France has a wide variety and abundance of birdlife, including both indigenous and migratoryspecies.The word "Abundance" means.................مشاجره ۹۰ مختلف ،3 فراوان ،2 تلفات .130-The deterioration of the global environment is one of the most serious problems of the 21th century. The underlined word means.................ناپدید شدن * بهبود یافتن * بدتر شدن * محاسبه کردن .\•\•|\•\•\\ጓልለنیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۳ از ۳ ***