نمونه سوال درس زبان خارجه عمومی علوم انسانی نیمسال دوم 93-92
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نمونه سوال درس زبان خارجه عمومی علوم انسانی نیمسال دوم 93-92

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= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی و کارشناسی ناپیوسته مرکز آزمون و سنجش
حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان است
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۶۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : زبان خارجی
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : عمومی علوم انسانی ۱۲۱۲۲۵۶
1-The terms I was looking up in my dictionary were medical terms. "Terms' means....
1. teams 2. teens 3 words 4. medicines
2-The girl read the whole story but could not comprehend its meaning. 'Comprehend' means.............
1. remind * repeat 3 remember 4 understand
3-This may make you wonder why people complain so much about novel uses of language. 'Novel' meanS.......... .
1. old 2 new 3 rare * usual
4-My friend acquired a good knowledge of English in six months. 'Acquired' means............. -
1. lost * gained 3 reversed 4. returned
5-We know that God.................the world.
1 creator * creating 3. creature 4 created
6-A root is the central portion of a word and it carries the basic meaning. 'It' refers to............. -
1. a root 2. a word 3 portion * meaning
7-Our professor is going to present an extraordinary paper in this seminar. 'Present’ means.....
1. offer * pursue 3 receive 4 summarize
8-The employee can't............ three weeks away from work.
1. gist 2. link 3. afford 4 skim
9-In class the tutors have a limited amount of time and can only give a limited coverage to any particular coverage. "Tutors' means............... -
1. parents 2. teachers 3. workers 4 students
10-The prefix 'pre-' in the words "prefer" and "present" means............... -
1. not 2. after 3 before 4. again
11-This boy is a(n)............. student. He is slow in understanding.
1 clever 2. dul| 3. efficient 4 disciplined
12-'It takes two to make a quarrel' is asn)........... which is a short well-known saying that states a general truth or gives advice.
1. idiom 2. proverb 3. surrounding * part of speech
1010/1010231 OG
نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۱ از ۳

= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی و کارشناسی ناپیوسته مرکز آزمون و سنجش
حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان است
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۶۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : زبان خارجی
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : عمومی علوم انسانی ۱۲۱۲۲۵۶
13-Mary has to use a dictionary. A dictionary.............. used by Mary.
1. be 2. are 3 has be 4. has to be
14-Many people associate war with death. 'Associate' means.............. -
1. limit 2. break 3. separate 4 connect
15-Since some words have more than one definition, you must choose the one that best fits the sentence you are reading or writing. 'One' refers to.....
1. definition 2. sentence 3. word 4. you
16-A feeling that makes somebody want to do something or behave in a particular way is called............. -
1. limitation 2. education 3, inclination 4. reservation
17-These two classes are slightly different. 'Slightly' means............ -
1. a bit 2. a lot 3. slowly 4 completely
18-In educational institutions the libraries are both 'lending' and '....
1: buying 2. refusal 3 reference 4. borrowing
19-if she had more money, she ..... ....a better car.
1. buys 2. had buy 3. will buy 4 could buy
20-Your skill in translation will enhance your chance of getting a good job. 'Enhance' means............... -
1. decline * increase 3 destroy * decrease
21-Repairs are necessary to................this old historical building.
1. strong 2. strength 3. strongest 4 strengthen
22-You have to be prepared to make an effort to learn what is assigned. 'Have to' means............. -
1. must 2, most 3. reject 4. possess
23-The prefix 'sub-' in the words "subconscious" and "subject" means....
1. not 2. less than 3 more than * again
24-Progress has been hindered by financial difficulties. 'Hindered' means.....
1. provided * prevented 3. improved * progressed
1010/1010231 OG
نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۲ از ۳

= دانشگاه پیام نور کارشناسی و کارشناسی ناپیوسته مرکز آزمون و سنجش
حضرت علی(ع): دانش راهبر نیکویی برای ایمان است
تعداد سوالات : تستی : ۳۰ تشریحی : ۰ زمان آزمون (دقیقه) : تستی : ۶۰ تشریحی : ۰ سری سوال : یک ۱ عن-وان درس : زبان خارجی
رشته تحصیلی / کد درس : عمومی علوم انسانی ۱۲۱۲۲۵۶
25-A word, sentence, poem, etc that helps you to remember something is called.
1. etymology 2. linguistics 3. mnemonic * semantic
26-..... ...., powerful nations were able to protect their interests.
1. History 2. Histories 3. Historical 4. Historically
27-The way she pronounces the words irritates me. 'Irritates' means............... -
1. enjoys 2. annoys 3. interests 4 motivates
28-In the sentence "They sleep when they are tired.", "when they are tired' is asn)............. - 1. gerund 2. pronoun
3. adverb clause * adjective clause
29-In the sentence "You can't pass the exam without studying.", the gerund is................ -
1- pass 2 without 3. the exam 4 studying
30-In the sentence "They should understand how important it is to collect them.", there are............ ΕΥΟhΟUnS. 1. three 2. two 3. ten 4. one
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نیمسال دوم ۹۳-۱۳۹۲ صفحه ۳ از ۳


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